Chapter 7 : The Ending of The Beginning.

Salam readers,

Hye there! It's been a long long time that I didn't update my blogg. Hee. Sorry buddy, I'm too lazy to write or type or what-so-ever. But this time, I'm gonna write a very long post :)

First of all, I would like to Thank God. My final exam was a very horrible one. Haha. I don't even remember what have I wrote down. But at least, I did give a try. I left my lappy -YES,YOU DUMBASS!!- and I don't touch or play any DoTA for about a month! What an incredible achievement! :D

Secondly, just wanna let you know that I fell sick a lot. Fever. Flu. My nose just like having a terrible tsunami. Hurr~

Next, I'm going to have a Pre-Graduation Dinner on 29th of May 2011. They ask me if I was to bring a partner during the dinner. I'm just like, WHAAAAAAT..? -______-'

Siyesly, haha. It's been a long time I don't even think about my partner. Who's gonna be? CK? Faqih? Hafiz? Or Azim? Wait! Gosh, I almost forgot. Maybe ADI???

So, I confirmed it confidently NO PARTNER.

Okay, that's all about that dinner. Now move on about my study. As I told you guys earlier, my final exam just finished. Than I have to pack those books for the clearance. At home, my mom was mad at me.

"Banyaknya buku kau?! Mana nak letak lagi ni? Dlm bilik kau tu pun mak belum habis kemas lagi, kau dah bawak balik stok baru?! "

"Mak, ni la tandanya anak mak ni banyak belajar"

My mom just stare at me. And then I smile. Hee :)

When she left the room, I started to tidy up my room. Then, I found a box. Inside it was a huge amount of COMICS! You have to believe me, those comics were collected a long time ago. And they still in a good condition :)

Then I stared at those comics. Hurm.. What am I gonna do with this one? It's okay. Just put it under my bed. Next, I stared at my Accounting books. Since Part 1 till Part 4, I can burn those thick and bored books during a camp fire for about 3 days! Haha. They are sooooooo many and of course, VERY VERY THICK.

"Hurm.. Sedar tak sedar, habis jugak aku belajar. Even tak dapat scroll lagi. Penat betul. Syukur, semua dah selesai."

Then a light came from above, an angel whispered to me:

"Not yet. It's just an ending of the beginning"



  1. hahahah cool oi tulisan !
    dah macam kau yang tulis sendiri bukan type. ahahahha

  2. kau selsema dah satu sem. aku suro makan ubat taknak


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